ISCA Young Scientist Programme f-f- Dates, Rewards, Eligibility, Applications

The ISCA Young Scientist Programme f-fOffline Registrations are now open for the eligible candidates. Additionally, the officials of the Indian Science Congress Association are accepting the applications from eligible candidates. Therefore, up to 16th August f, you can freely apply the applications. Well, the current scheme is to encourage young scientists. Hence, without any late just find further updates from the beneath section.

Highlights Of ISCA Young Scientist Scheme f-f

Name of the Authority Indian Science Congress Association
Name of the Scheme ISCA Young Scientist Programme/ ISCA Young Scientist Scheme
Category Scholarships
Mode of Application Offline
Starting Date Available Now
End Date 16th August f
Official Site

ISCA Young Scientist Programme f-f

So, the ISCA Young Scientist Programme f-fDates are now activated by the Indian Science Congress Association. So, we are inviting the aspirants to check the complete eligibility from here before proceeding and then apply. Also, we have given the officials address at the beneath of this article. So, after filling the application form just upload the necessary documents and completely send them to the below address.

ISCA Young Scientist Rewards

  • Rs. 25000 along with a certificate of merit is the reward that selected people will receive.

Eligibility Criteria for ISCA Young Scientist Programme f

  • Should be a young scientist
  • The age is not more than 32 years on 31st December f
  • Need to be a member (Life & Annual) of the association.

ISCA Young Scientist Programme fSelection Procedure

  • Well, the full-length paper should ve examined by the experts. As well as the selected young scientists need to give the oral presentation of their paper during the 108th Indian Science Congress
  • Therefore, the final selection for the Awards will depend on a duly constituted committee.

Terms & Conditions

  • Those who have submitted the applications for the ISCA Young Scientist Scheme fwill not be returned
  • The Indian Science Congress Association didn’t consider the incomplete application forms
  • If in case if a candidate already received the young scientist award in various sections are not eligible to apply for this program
  • At the time of the 108th Indian Science Congress session that means Valedictory Session, the award will be given to the selected people. Hence, the session will be conducted on 7th January f
  • So, the paper presented must be a single author paper at the same time, research work has to be approved. Therefore, this will be accepted by the Head of the Institution from where the candidate is applying
  • In any one Section, Young Scientist can present only one paper
  • The papers submitted will be subjected to verification for authenticity
  • The End Date to submit the applications is 16th August f.

Required documents for ISCA Young Scientist Programme f

  • Full-length paper and abstract in MS-Word (not PDF)
  • Biodata in the form of a CD must also be sent the hard copies
  • List of publications
  • A brief bio-data (not exceeding 2 pages)
  • Reprints of an already published paper (if any)

Procedure For ISCA Young Scientist Programme f-fApplications

Follow the below steps thoroughly.

  1. Visit Indian Science Congress Association @
  2. Go to the Awards section
  3. You will find a lot of schemes available
  4. So, choose Young Scientist Programme
  5. Now, the page shows you the complete details
  6. So, refer to all the details that mentioned by officials on the official site
  7. Now, scroll down
  8. You will find the Download Application Form PDF
  9. Press on it and And download it
  10. Fill the details like Name, Address, Qualification, Date of birth, Email Id, Experience Details, Telephone Number, and some more details
  11. Also, upload the documents
  12. Now, finally, send it to the official’s address.

Important Dates

  • End Date: 16th August f.

Mandatory Links

To Know More ISCA Young Scientist Scheme  Details: View More Details

To Download Application Form: Press Here

Address & Contact Details

Address: The General Secretary (Membership Affairs.), The Indian Science Congress Association, 14, Dr. Biresh Guha St., Kolkata-700017.
Tel. Nos. (033) 2287-4530/2281-5323
Fax No. 91-33-2287-2551/2287-2551
E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]