RMS Belgaum Jobs Notification 2023 information for the hiring of 5 Assistant Master Posts has been released on the official website at rashtriyamilitaryschools.in. Candidates Planning to start their career with Rashtriya Military School Belgaum can apply Offline application on or before 2023-03-17.
Organization Name | Rashtriya Military School Belgaum |
Post Name | Assistant Master |
No. of Vacancies | 5 |
Educational Qualification | Graduate, Post Graduate |
Official Website | rashtriyamilitaryschools.in |
Mode | Offline |
RMS Belgaum Post Details
Assistant Master (Science): 1 Post
Assistant Master (Mathematics): 1 Post
Assistant Master (Social -Science)/: 1 Post
Assistant Master (English): 1 Post
Assistant Master (Hindi): 1 Post
- Assistant Master (Science): Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University with any two subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany (ii) Bachelor’s degree in Education of a recognized University or Institution
- Assistant Master (Mathematics): Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University in the concerned subject Bachelor’s degree in Education of a recognized University or
Insttution - Assistant Master (Social -Science)/: Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University with any two subjects i.e. History, Political Science, Geography, Economics Bachelor’s degree in Education of a recognized University or Institution
- Assistant Master (English): Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University in the concerned subject Bachelor’s degree in Education of a recognized University or
Insttution - Assistant Master (Hindi): Bachelor’s degree of a recognized University in the concerned subject Bachelor’s degree in Education of a recognized University or
Salary Details: Rs. 44900-142400/ – Per Month
Age Limit: 30 years
Age Relaxation: 5 Years for ST
Application Fee
UR/ EWS Rs. 100/-
SC/ ST Rs. 50/
Payment Mode: Demand Draft in favour of “Principal,Rashtriya Military School, Belgaum’.
Selection Process: Selection will be based on the interview
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible candidate Application as per format attached Appendix-Ltyped on a plain paper quoting all prescribed details and attested copies of Educational documents must be attached with application form and be forwarded to details and attested copies of Educational documents must be attached with application form and beAddress: Principal, Rashtriya Military School, Belgaum -590 009 (Karnataka) on or befoeb 17th March 2023
Important Dates
Application Last Date: 17th March 2023
Important Links