SHS Bihar Jobs Notification 2021-22 information for the hiring of 26 Microbiologist, Sr Lab Technician Posts has been released on the official website at Candidates Planning to start their career with State Health Society Bihar can apply Offline application on or before 2021-12-22.
Organization Name | State Health Society Bihar |
Post Name | Microbiologist, Sr Lab Technician |
No. of Vacancies | 26 |
Educational Qualification | MD, Ph.D., M.SC, B.SC |
Official Website | |
Mode | Offline |
SHS Bihar Post Details
Microbiologist: 1 Post
Microbiologist: 5 Posts
Sr Lab Technician: 20 Posts
- Microbiologist: MD Microbiology OR PhD.fiiledical Microbiology/ Ph.D. Applied Microbiology/Ph.D. General microbiology OR M.Sc in medical [ricrobiology/ M.Sc. Applied Microbiology/ M.Sc. General Microbiology.
- Microbiologist: MD Microbiology OR Ph.D. Medical Microbiology/Ph.D. Applied [Iicrobiology/Ph.D. General, microbiology OR M.Sc in [4edical Microbiology/ M.Sc. Applied Microbiology/ M.Sc. General Microbiology.
- Sr Lab Technician: Medical Microbiology/ Appli6d Microbiology/ General Microbiology/ Biotechnology/ Biochemistry with or without DMLT OR B. Sc Microbiology with D[rlLT/ B.Sc. Biotechnology with Dlt4LT/ B.Sc. Biochemistry with LT / B.Sc. Chemistry with DIrLT/ B.Sc. Life science with ILT/ 8.56. Botany with D[T/ B.4LSc. Zoology with DIILT.
Salary Details
- Microbiologist: Rs. 41000/- Per month
- Sr Lab Technician: Rs. 19000/- Per month
Age Limit: 21 to 37 years as of 1st August 2021
Age Relaxation: 3 years for BC/MBC, 5 Years for SC/ST, 10 years for PH
Selection Process: Wak-In-Interviews.
How to Apply: Interested and Eligible applicants may appear along with an original and self-attested copy of the domicile certificate issued from the competent authority. ln case of any wrong entry in the caste category in the application form, the candidature will be considered for the Unreserved category. at the time of Walk-In Interviews.
Important Dates
Walk-In-Interview Date: 22nd, 23rd December 2021.
Important Links