HMT Limited Jobs Notification 2023: Apply Offline for 1 Accounts Officer Vacancies

HMT Limited Jobs Notification 2023 information for the hiring of 1 Accounts Officer Posts has been released on the official website at Candidates Planning to start their career with HMT Machine Tools Limited can apply Offline application on or before 2023-04-11.

  • HMT Limited Jobs 2023 Notification
  • Job Location: Bengaluru, Karnataka
Organization Name HMT Machine Tools Limited
Post Name Accounts Officer
No. of Vacancies 1
Educational Qualification CA,CMA,ICWA
Official Website
Mode Offline

HMT Limited Post Details

Accounts Officer: 1 Post

  • Qualification: CA/CMA/ICWA Proficiency of Computer Skills is essential
  • Salary Details: Rs.16400/-to RS.40500/- per month
  • Age Limit: 30 years

Application Fee

General, EWS &OBC: 750/-
SC/ST category: 250/-
PWD: nill
Payment mode: drawn in favour of HMT Limited, by any Scheduled Bank payable at Aurangabad

Selection Process: Selection Will be based on Personal Interview

How to Apply: Application in the prescribed format duly filled enclosing therewith the Demand Draft and a set of self attested photocopies of the relevant certificates in proof of qualification, age, category, experience etc., (all the relevant original certificates should be produced at the time of interview) and affixing passport size photograph at the space provided should be sent in sealed cover super scribed “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………………………………” so as to reach the following address on or before 11th April 2023. The Manager (HR) HMT Limited, No.59, HMT Bhavan, Bellary Road, Bengaluru -560 032

Important Dates

Last date: 11th april 2023.

Important Links

Notification Link
Application link